We can use TypeScript’s Exclude with types in order to exclude certain members of a type.


If we have a type called Vehicles in which we wish to exclude vehicles of type ‘SUV’ for example, we would use Exclude and do the following:

type Vehicles =
  | { make: 'BMW', model: '325', type: 'sedan' }
  | { make: 'BMW', model: '525', type: 'sedan' }
  | { make: 'BMW', model: 'X6', type: 'SUV' };

type sedans = Exclude<Vehicles, { type: 'SUV' }>;

const cars: sedans[] = [
  { make: 'BMW', model: '325', type: 'sedan' },
  { make: 'BMW', model: '525', type: 'sedan' },  

If we were to include a vehicle of type ‘SUV’ in the array of objects called cars above,TypeScript’s compiler would automatically point out that entry as an error.