In order to get a function’s arguments in Javascript, we use the arguments keyword. arguments is an object that acts like an array. It contains the argument values that are passed to a function.

console.log(typeof(arguments)); //object

Since arguments is not an actual array, you cannot use methods like forEach() or map(). arguments is available to be used on functions which are not arrow functions (e.g. (x) => `Hello ${x}`; ), although length is available. If you want to use arrow functions, you can list the values of a function’s arguments using the rest operator in the following manner:

const x = (...args) => {
  console.log(args); //[1, 2, 3]


You can use the arguments keyword along with the index in order to extract a function’s arguments:

arguments[0] //A function's first argument
arguments[1] //A function's second argument
arguments[2] //A function's third argument

Using ES5 syntax with the example above, we can extract the arguments in the following manner:

function x (a,b,c){
    console.log(arguments[0]); //1
    console.log(arguments[1]); //2
    console.log(arguments[2]); //3


You can also set a function’s argument or modify it like so:

arguments[2] = 'value'
function x (a,b,c){
    console.log(arguments[0]); //1
    console.log(arguments[1]); //2
    arguments[2] = 4;
    console.log(arguments[2]); //4


We can find out the number of arguments by using arguments.length:

function x (a,b,c){
   console.log(arguments.length); //3
