A list is a collection composed of objects that are strongly typed. Lists like arrays, have indices in which they can be accessed by.

Create a list

A list is created in the following manner:

List <DataType> nameOfList = new List<DataType>();

So if we want to create a list of integer numbers, we do the following:

List<int> numbers = new List<int>();

Add elements to a list

Using the list called numbers above, we can add numbers to the list using the Add method. The Add method is a built-in method to add elements to a list.


We can declare and initialize the list above in one step:

List<int> numbers new List<int> { 1, 2, 3, 4 };

Adding an array to a list

int[] moreNumbers = new int[2]{5, 6};


Adding objects to a list

If you have objects of a class you can also add those to a list:

var employees = new List<Employee>(){
    new Employee(){Id=341, FirstName="Tom", LastName="Jones"},
    new Employee(){Id=453, FirstName="Peter", LastName="Johnson"},
    new Employee(){Id=576, FirstName="Lisa", LastName="Mancini"}

Access a list

As stated above a list can be accessed like an array using its index. Using the numbers example above, we would access the elements of that list like so:

Console.WriteLine(numbers[0]); //1
Console.WriteLine(numbers[1]); //2
Console.WriteLine(numbers[2]); //3
Console.WriteLine(numbers[3]); //4

Using LINQ to access a list

We can use LINQ and query a list. Let’s say we want to query the employees list above for Lisa, we would do that the following way:

var employee = from e in employees where e.FirstName == "Lisa" select e;