
Branches in Git are an integral part of any development and deployment workflow. In this post, I will go over what are branches and the different commands that can be used with branches using the Git CLI.

What are branches?

Branches in Version Control Systems (VCS) such as Git, provide a means to diverge from the main branch without affecting the main branch. This gives developers the capability of developing new features, fixing bugs or even separating code by development branches (e.g. Release, Beta, Alpha).

Here are a list of commonly used commands for branches in Git:

List Local Branches in a Repository

git branch

List All Remote Branches in a Repository

git branch -a

Create a Branch and Switch to it

git branch nameOfBranch
git checkout nameOfBranch

Create a Branch and Immediately Switch to it

git checkout -b nameOfBranch

Rename a branch

git branch -m oldNameOfBranch newNameOfBranch

Delete a local branch

git branch -d nameOfBranch

NOTE: This is considered a “safe operation” since Git will prevent you from deleting the branch if there are changes that haven’t been merged with the main branch.

Delete a remote branch

git push origin --delete nameOfRemoteBranch

List branches that have been merged

git branch --merged

List branches that have been merged into a specific branch

git branch --merged nameOfBranch

List branches that have not been merged

git branch --no-merged

Merge branch into main branch

Switch to main branch first: git checkout master
Merge branch into main branch: git merge nameOfBranchToBeMerged

Synchronize list of branches

git fetch -p
-p stands for prune. The above command excludes any deleted branches from the list to be displayed to the user.

List the most recent commit by branch

git branch -v

List the most recent commit along with its upstream by branch

git branch -vv

List branches by commit date (Ascending)

git branch --sort=committerdate

List branches by commit date (Descending)

git branch --sort=-committerdate